Friday, October 9, 2009




My little brother, Zach,  showing off his stud-ly self. They grow up so fast, don't they?

Saturday, January 10, 2009

First Post

Oh my goodness. I love God with all my heart. I understand that i have not fully uncovered what following God all consists of, but i can feel myself changing. My heart is growing with Christ's love and it is quite amazing.
Things that i used to care about just doesn't matter anymore. With anything i do, i want to please God and I don't even want to make a move without asking Him first. I can't for what God has in mind for my life. It just makes me want to scream... AH!

Today at about 3:45 while talking with my sweet Nana, a feeling overcame me. I just felt like my life was not going to follow the normal 'cookie cutter' life. I felt God saying to me that i wasn't going to have a lot of money. And i was okay with that. All i want and have ever wanted to do is help people. I know God has put this passion for others in me, but what i am going to do with it?? Well i'm not so sure what He has planned for me, but i am very excited.

This Week has been pretty busy for me, photoshoot wise. Sunday, my good friend Melissa wanted me took take pictures of her and her friends from church that she ahs know for a long time. I had the best time and felt an instant connection. Those are probably the sweetest girls and you can just tell they really care about eachother. i feel very blessed to whitness true friendship.

I also got a chance to take some promo pictures for my soon-to-be brother-in-laws friend. We soent the day at the stock yards and we even got a 'street hustler' to listen to one of his songs and ended up getting free flowers. It was quite fun.

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." Romans 12:12